Getting Started

  • Create your free online student account
  • Enroll in any self-paced course or live training
  • Complete course bundles to get certified
  • Collect certifications & earn your Academy membership

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Start Learning
By Product

Learn how to use Reveal, a comprehensive eDiscovery platform infused with powerful AI features designed to manage all legal matters regardless of size and complexity.


Learn how to use Logikcull, the do-it-yourself industry solution that simplifies eDiscovery & Investigation workflows, Specifically designed for legal events when speed & efficiency matter most.


Learn how to use Brainspace, the industry leading interactive visual analytics and concept search platform. Specifically designed to reduce the time to valuable insights.

Complete Catalog

Browse the entire Reveal Academy course catalog which includes other products such as Trial Director & Open Discovery.

Start Learning
By Type
Certification Bundle

Get certified in various roles by completing our free Certification Bundles and passing the Certification Exams.

Self-Paced Course

Learn about our products based on topic. All are free and available to self enroll at any time. A Certification Bundle is a specific collection of self-paced sources.

Live Training

Learn the basics of a product by attending a Live Training session. A live trainer will explain the fundamentals and provide a Q&A at the end of each session.


Videos for products that are not developed into courses.


Get hands on practice with our features and update simulations.